Can We Stop With the Blue Collar Men Worship

Blue Collar Men Worship

Blue Collar Men Aren’t Saviors

Can we stop with the blue collar man worship please?

Just because a man works with his hands does not mean he’s more enlightened, steadfast, kinder, gentler, will make a better husband, father or that somehow he automatically qualifies as being a “good” man than those who have white collar jobs.

Blue collar men are like any other men: there are good ones, bad ones and those who fall in between.

Any time dating and marriage in the black community comes up there are women (and men) hollering how if black women just would look at these blue collar men then all of our dating woes would be over. That we’re too busy not looking at what’s important in life an don’t know a “good” man when we see one.



I wonder how many of these women making these comments actually date or are married to blue collar men?

Can we stop pretending like the working class lifestyle is the bees knees?

That that is what all of us over educated women should aspire too?

And yes – some – blue collar men make “good money” (as the argument goes) but unions aren’t what they used to be and it’s not all about dollars, but about shared values, interests and life experiences.

No one is knocking blue collar men. Date and marry a blue collar man if you like, but just because some women don’t want to marry blue collar men doesn’t mean they don’t know what a “good man” is. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s not about finding any good man, but about finding the right good man for you.



Published by

Brown Sugar

Lives in music, sits down to read like she’s at the Feast of Heaven, enters every room like a queen or a spy, reads faces the way a gypsy reads palms, knows sex the way a nomad knows the desert’s shifting sands, needs laughter to breathe, eats in celebration of taste, works joyously, loves uproariously, smiles insightfully, dreams delightfully.

6 thoughts on “Can We Stop With the Blue Collar Men Worship”

  1. Thats the reason a lot of black women are alone, please of this perception that you should choose a man based on white collar/professional classicism. AJC columist Cynthia Tucker preached this nonsense all throughout the nineties!

    White Women never brought into this foolishness, I meet college educated White women in my professional career married to Aviation mechanics, plumbers, electricians and many other blue collar professions making good wages.

    My nephew is a blue collar professional, and he is intelligent, well travelled and self educated. And in the predominately white community he lives in…he has to beat the white girls a way, I would prefer that he marry a sister, but as long as we continued peaching this nonsense…it wont happen!

    1. No one is knocking blue collar men. Date and marry a blue collar man if you like, but just because some women don’t want to marry blue collar men doesn’t mean they don’t know what a “good man” is.

      You seem to have missed that part before you commented.

      I’m not knocking blue collar men. I’m saying telling women who want something different that they don’t know what a “good” man is is ridiculous. And that the idea that’s pushed that blue collar men are somehow better than their white collar counterparts is also counter productive and baseless.

  2. What bothers me is that people “naturalize” behaviors. If he or she is college educated, he or she knows better. Or if he or she is not college educated, he or she doesn’t know better. People do this all the time without proof, just anecdotal evidence.

    I agree, there are good and bad people in all classes. We just have to learn how to see it coming.

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