Knowing When To Move On Is Hard
Okay, so in a previous post I talked about the fallacy of chemistry and why it shouldn’t be used as the sole criteria when deciding on a second date.
Now I’m going to address a really important issue that I think women in general and Black women in particular need to understand, and that’s knowing when to move on from a relationship that isn’t going anywhere. This is something that is SUPER important to understand. Knowing when to move on could mean the difference between being married at 28 or single and broken hearted at 35.
The reason I felt the need to address this issue is because on Essence 30 Dates in 30 Days the first three women who went on dates had all recently ended longterm relationships and two of the women had been in relationships that had lasted for five years. Five years.
Newsflash…and I’m going to put this as clearly and succinctly as possible…if you’ve been dating a man of a year and half and he hasn’t proposed–he ain’t gonna. More importantly, HE DOESN”T WANT TO MARRY YOU.
Did you get that?
If not I’ll say it again: HE DOESN”T WANT TO MARRY YOU.
Now it doesn’t matter what reason he has for NOT proposing. It all adds up to he doesn’t want you. Period. It’s that damn simple.
Spending five years (hell two years) of your life, when you are at a marriageable age, wanting to be married, with a man who has not proposed and most likely hasn’t even MENTIONED marriage is STUPID and counter-productive.
You aren’t getting any younger. Your eggs aren’t getting any younger. If you want to be married and to have kids, then start dating men who want the same thing you want. There are men out there who want to be married and are ready to do so. But you can’t make a man who doesn’t want to get married marry you. You just can’t. So stop trying.
SO, what do you do if you find yourself in a longterm relationship with a man who’s made it clear that he doesn’t want to get married or is always hollering, “Not now, later.”
You leave him.
You tell him why and you bounce. And if he doesn’t come back with an engagement ring, you cut your ties and you find you someone who wants to marry you.