Keep It Simple With This Boiled Salmon Recipe
Boiled salmon is a simple dish that is healthy, tasty and extremely simple to make.
A bit of experience will go a long way in knowing exactly how long to boil your fish. If you’re new to this just follow the directions to a tee. The last thing you want is to serve anyone undercooked salmon.
On the flipside, you don’t want to overcook your boiled salmon either. Immediately remove it from the pan once done because it will be rubbery, watery, and colorless if overcooked.
A dish of dressed cucumber usually accompanies this fish.
[recipe title=”Simple Boiled Salmon” servings=”As Needed” time=”6 to 8 min” difficulty=”Easy” image=”” description=”Boiled salmon is a simple dish that is healthy, tasty and extremely simple to make.”]
– As many pounds of salmon you need for your meal
– 6 oz. of salt to each gallon of water,
– sufficient water to cover the fish.
1. If you haven’t purchased salmon cutlets, be sure to scale and clean the fish thoroughly, with special attention that there is no blood left inside the fish.
2. Place salmon in fish-kettle with sufficient cold water to cover it, adding salt in the above proportions.
3. Bring quickly to a boil, take off all the scum, and let it simmer gently till the fish is done, which will be when the meat separates easily from the bone or 8 minutes per pound for thick cuts of salmon or 6 minutes per pound for thin cuts of salmon.
4. Drain it and prepare to serve.
5. Garnish with a cut of lemon and parsley, and serve with a lobster or shrimp sauce, and plain melted butter to table with it.
– Cut lemon should be served with this dish; squeeze lemon juice over the salmon for added flavor
– Boiled peas or grilled asparagus can pair well with boiled salmon.