JCPenney Promo Codes, Sales and Deals

This page will keep you up to date on the latest JCPenney promo codes, sales and deal. All promo codes should be added during checkout for discounts to apply. Updated daily.


The Latest Promo Codes, Sales & Deals from JCPenney

Promo: Save 15% Off Apparel, Shoes, Accessories & Home.
Promo Code: FALL38
Ends: 10/31/2013.
(claim your discount)

Promo: Save 10% Off Your Next Purchase.
Promo Code: FUNDEAL
Ends: 4/14/2013.
(claim your discount)

Promo: Save 20% Off.
Promo Code: MVT37.
Ends: 10/27/2013.
(claim your discount)

Sale: Save 30-70% off Clearance.
Ends: 12/31/2013
(click to save)

If you find a code that helps you out, use the buttons below to like or share with your friends! Thanks!

Some of My Faves from JCPenney