You Can Be Thick And Healthy

Thick and Healthy

Skinny Does Not Equal Healthy

There’s been a lot of talk around the blogosphere as late on Black women and their thickness and how aspiring to be thick causes women to be unhealthy, overweight and obese.

Well, in my opinion, there is a very big difference between being thick and fat. If you’re confused, the following is easy to remember: Beyonce = Thick. Monique = Fat. Simple.

You can be thick and healthy. Contrary to popular belief ass and thigh fat won’t kill you, but belly fat will. As women, we should keep our waist under 31.5 inches for optimal health and to fight against common illnesses among Black women such as diabetes, heart disease, and hyper tension.

Let’s be clear; Black women are naturally curvy, “thick” women. There is nothing wrong with that. You don’t have to lose your curves just because you’re trying to be healthy. But health should be your number one priority above all else.

I assure you f you’re a naturally big butt/big hip woman that’s not going to disappear because you hit the treadmill or the Stairmaster several times a week. As I like to say this isn’t about being a size 6. It is about being a healthier, happier you. So keep that in mind…and hit the gym.

Published by

Brown Sugar

Lives in music, sits down to read like she’s at the Feast of Heaven, enters every room like a queen or a spy, reads faces the way a gypsy reads palms, knows sex the way a nomad knows the desert’s shifting sands, needs laughter to breathe, eats in celebration of taste, works joyously, loves uproariously, smiles insightfully, dreams delightfully.

6 thoughts on “You Can Be Thick And Healthy”

  1. So true . The stomach is a very important part of keeping our bodies in shape, its the core to your body.

  2. *stepping on soap box***I agree with you. The reason I wrote “I’m Not Fat, I’m Thick” is because black women don’t want to hear that they need to hit the gym. I got all these hoots and hollers about thick begin alright. I have been thick all my life. When I hit a size sixteen at 5’4 I realized I was fat not thick. No one around me agreed with me becuase of how I hold my weight it really isn’t in my stomach. It took alot for me to realize I was fat. Now I am a size 10, hit the gym and could be considered thick. Sure, I want to lose more but I focus on health. Beyonce deserves thick b.c. she hit the gym. Me at a 14/16 didn’t b/c my BMI told a different story.Many black women do not focus on health they focus on image. I’m sorry you cannot rationalize the fat away. I don’t care where it is body fat is body fat. Your right fat around major organs in the stomach area is a no no. You can call us curvy all you want….I am tired of us clinging to the security blanket. I am tired of us dying early because of heart disease because we believe our body image matches what is going on inside our body. We need to hit the gym so our hearts and life span match our body image. I miss my mother. She died 2 years ago Friday at 53 from heart disease (congestive heart failure and a heart attack). I want to prevent what I have experienced in others. Please ladies….lets do better.

  3. So, who gets to decide who is thick, and who is fat? Do we go purely by BMI? I am 5’6″ and 145lbs (now, that is– I have been as large as 230lbs!) I usually wear a size 6. However, at 160lbs, I was anywhere from a size 10 to a 12 with a BMI of 25.8. This is in the “overweight” category. So, if we are to go by BMI, I would have to be a size 6 or 8 to be acceptable.Also, is it fair to say that black women are more “naturally curvy” than other races? IMO, most women are “curvy,”– I see very few boyish, straight up and down figures among grown women, regardless of size or race.

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